Marketing is essential for every small business, online and offline. Marketing is your plan for interacting with customers, clients, and consumers. You’ll need to make a marketing plan to specify how your small business will interact with the public.
The marketing plan will include demographic analysis, an analysis of your direct and indirect competition, estimations of your market share, key messages and marketing platform, and strategies for pricing and distribution, to name a few issues. I’ve clarified each step of the process here: How to Write a Small Business Marketing Plan.
Careful marketing planning will position your business in a unique niche. You will know exactly which types of consumers to aim your key messages at. You’ll know their needs, their desires, and even their spare time activities.
You see, marketing encompasses a lot more information than mere advertising. Though advertising may be part of your marketing strategy, so might be Twittering, or having a Facebook page, or weekly workshops in your local community.
Preparing your marketing plan is one of the most creative, fun, and delightful parts of small business ownership. The plan can be revised and recharged every year to accommodate changes in your small business target market. Do not neglect this very important part of small business ownership. Learn as much as you can about marketing so you’re familiar with all the current successful marketing concepts.